Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08

Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08
Click on pic of Skyla to go to beginning of her life story. Then scroll to bottom of page

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

3D pictures

Our beautiful little baby girl SKYLA
My fists are up mummy and daddy. Im ready to fight this .
Her stomach and heart.

31wk checkup

We went back to hospital yesterday 18th sept. Our baby girl SKYLA is coming along ok. Still her stomach and bowel up in chest but we already new that. Her amniotic fluid index has come down to 23cm which is a good sign (was 25cm). Skyla's estimated weight is now 1321gms. So she is slowly putting on the weight which is great.

We will be booked in for our tour with the childrens hospital NICU at our next visit on the 2nd Oct. I cant wait to meet the beautiful baby George who is the other CDH baby at the same hospital. I got some 3D pictures of Skyla which i will upload shortly and i also have a photo of her hernia. It shows the stomach next to her heart.

Kristy, Joe n Blake

Friday, September 14, 2007

last few weeks

The ultrasounds have noted that the stomach and intestines are sitting up in the chest cavity where her left lung should sit. By doing this her heart has been pushed right over to the right side of her chest cavity and has caused her left lung with little room to grow.

The longer Skyla stays inside of me the better it will be for her as it gives more time for her lungs to grow and to function. Thats what it comes down to really, how big her lungs are and how well they function.

Growth wise, Skyla is growing ok for a baby with CDH. At my 28wk scan she was measuring about 1080gms.

My next visit is on the 18th September. Until then, take care everyone. Please keep us in your thoughts.

19wk scan

>>>>>> our baby girl at 19wk scan

Thursday, September 13, 2007

CDH Baby

Hi there, i am currently 30wks pregnant with a baby girl. Her due date is 21st November 2007. We have decided to call her SKYLA. She was diagnosed at our 19wks scan with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and a small Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). The Drs have given her a 60% chance of survival. We decided to continue on with the pregnancy with the hope that our little girl would fight this with all she can and pull through.