Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08

Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08
Click on pic of Skyla to go to beginning of her life story. Then scroll to bottom of page

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My First cuddle

26/10/07 I got my first cuddle with Skyla today. I really needed that. Ive been really down lately. All the stress and worrying and my milk is still not really there. I held her for 3hrs. It was the best 3 hours ever. even though it was on a pillow, it was great. She went straight to sleep. It was the calmest i have seen her. Joe changed his first shitty nappy today. Ha ha, he cant say he cant do them now.

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