Born at 34wks weighing 1.7kg (3.7 pounds)
Coarctation of the aorta repair (operation 1)
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia repair (operation 2) (stomach, spleen, small and large intestines, and part of her liver up squashing left lung)
2X episodes of Necrotising Entercolitis
Chronic Lung Disease
Pulmonary Hypertension
5 infections
Severe reflux
Turns blue everyday
Gastrostomy, Fundoplication, tongue tie release, lip tip release (operation 3)
LBO procedure (camera down to check airways)
2 Cardiac Arrests
4 general anesthetics
8 blood transfusions
7 or 8 central lines
Heaps of needles
Cleft palate (to be repaired soon)
Small VSD (hole in heart) (repair in future)
over 115 xrays
Urinary infection
Thats everything my brave little girl has had to go through.
You are so brave Skyla. We love you so much. I must have the bravest little girl on earth. Keep fighting along baby girl. You'll be home with us very soon.
Wow!!! She is the toughest little girl around! I think she has Wyatt beat when it comes to surgeries and complications. She seems to be over the huge hurdles now. Skyla is always in our prayers and we check your blog almost everyday!! Keep fighting Skyla, you'll be home soon!!!
We have been praying for Sophia and will pray for Skyla, too.
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