Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08

Skyla Manawa Temaipi 13/10/07 - 13/6/08
Click on pic of Skyla to go to beginning of her life story. Then scroll to bottom of page

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not doing so well

6/5/08 Yesterday Skyla started to drop her BP. Her normal map for her is between 51-90. She was sitting in the 40s then dropped to 33. As they went to give her some albumin her pressure dropped to 27. Her heart rate went right down to 43. They had to give her adrenalin again and did cpr on her for 2minutes. she come back up in all it lasted 4minutes or so. They did a chest xray which showed pnemonia on her left lung which is her bad lung. her tracy has also grown a bug but they arent sure what it is yet. She did it again at 3am. Dropped her BP. They gave her more albumin. This works for a little while then it seems to keep getting lower. Today she was meant to go to theartres for her trachy change. They have decided she is too unstable to leave ICU. They will do it in the ICU instead. They have warned me cause she is so sick at the moment that it is dangerous and if they cant get a new trachy in they will have to close it back up and intubate her orally. Please pray that everything goes to plan as i dont know how much more her little body can take. She is still 4.4kg, about 9pound something i think and she is nearly 7mths. Hang in there my beautiful little . We love you so much. You are such a brave little baby . Keep fighting hunny.


Anonymous said...

I will keep Skyla in my thoughts and pray that she gets through this. I have been reading up on Skyla and she is amazing and beautiful!

I live in the States and I am a mother of a CDH baby boy.


Anonymous said...

I found you through . Skyla is in my prayers too!!

Cindy said...

Sending lots of prayers your way...

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog from the beginning,and this is the first time im commenting. I just want you to know, that im really praying for your little girl to pull through so you can take her home one day!


Anonymous said...

praying things went well! hang in there!! sending a prayer!
Zach's mommy